The Jimmy project

Jimmy was created in 2020 based on a dual realization: on one hand, industries need to change their source of heat, but there are few profitable decarbonized alternatives. On the other hand, nuclear fission allows for the production of low-cost decarbonized heat.

Jimmy's goal is to accelerate the transition to decarbonization as quickly as possible. After a concept maturation phase in 2021, Jimmy now relies on a determined multidisciplinary team and is reinventing the use of fission to decarbonize industry.

Our objective is to commission its industrial demonstrator by 2026 to realize its vision of a decarbonized and competitive industry in France.

Advisory board

Frank Carré

Scientific Director | CEA Energy Department

HTR Expert

Philippe Demigné

Former CEO | Bertin Technologies

Innovative industrial project management expert

Daniel Iracane

Former Head of the RJH and Deputy Director of International Relations | CEA

Nuclear expert

Elsa Lemaître

Internal Audit Director | CEA

Nuclear project management expert

Pierre Toulhoat

Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Board | Andra

Nuclear expert

Werner Von Lensa

Jülich Centrum

HTR & graphite expert

Nicolas Zweibaum

Director Engineering Design | Kairos Power

Innovative nuclear reactors expert

Our investors

They support Jimmy


Jimmy submits an application for authorization to build a thermal generator on the Cristanol site.

Jimmy submits a request for authorization (DAC) for a thermal generator project which, if it passes all the stages of appraisal and authorization, could be set up on the Cristanol industrial site in Bazancourt (51).

Jimmy signs supply contract with Toyo Tanso for its graphite needs

Jimmy has signed a contractwith the world's leading producer of isotropic technical graphite. Toyo Tanso will supply Jimmy with the graphite needed to operate its generators.

Jimmy applies for authorization to build an assembly line on its industrial platform in Le Creusot.

Jimmy initiates the authorizations required to start construction of the assembly plant on its industrial platform in Le Creusot.

Jimmy chooses Le Creusot as the location for its industrial platform

Jimmy sets up in Le Creusot, France, to build and assemble the SMRs that will be installed at its customers' sites.