About Jimmy

Our principles
At Jimmy, all departments collaborate and work on the same platform, where all data is connected and updated in real time. The generated documents are inherently updated and verified. Quality is ever-present because it is intrinsic.
At Jimmy, we aim to offer a safe, reliable, and competitive decarbonization solution to industries. Nuclear fission is the solution. Safety and security are prerequisites. Excellence is a daily commitment, to reignite a nuclear era that matches the prospects of a green and competitive industry.
At Jimmy, we are not all-knowing and have no time to waste on conjecture. What we don’t know, others in the office might. What we design is not done in isolation; we involve our suppliers right from the start. We aim for efficiency—the best path is simplicity.
Jimmy dans le paysage SMR
Advisory board
Ancien Responsable du RJH et Directeur Adjoint
des Relations Internationales | CEA
Expert en nucléaire
Our investors