Urenco signs advanced fuels contract with technology developer Jimmy
Urenco signs advanced fuels contract with technology developer Jimmy.
Urenco is to supply uranium enrichment services for a nuclear technology which can decarbonise industrial heat.
We have signed a contract with Jimmy to supply low-enriched uranium plus (LEU+, enriched up to 10%) for its first high-temperature gas cooled (HTGR) micro reactor.
Jimmy designs and operates thermal generators which are powered by the reactors, providing industry with an alternative to fossil fuels, such as gas, for their heat applications.
Jimmy is to use TRISO fuel for its reactor design, and the company will utilise Urenco’s supply of LEU+ with a view to changing to high-assay, low enriched uranium (HALEU) once it is available.
The first delivery is to be made in 2026 from Urenco’s USA site in Eunice, New Mexico.
Head of Market Development and Technical Sales for Urenco, Dr. Magnus Mori, said:
“This announcement marks the second advanced fuels contract for Urenco, showing the market is starting to gather momentum.
“We’re delighted to work with Jimmy which has designed a solution to provide affordable, clean and reliable nuclear energy for process heat.
“Sustainability is a part of everything we do at Urenco, and we have the knowledge and experience to play a leading role in powering the reactors of tomorrow.”
Urenco is building a HALEU plant at its UK site in Capenhurst, following co-investment from the UK Government. It will provide HALEU by the early 2030s to customers, and we are continuing to participate in the Department of Energy’s HALEU RFP process to provide a domestic supply in the USA.
Jimmy’s design is 20MW output thermal, and it has applied to construct its first project for its first industrial customer in the Marne area of France.
Co-founder and CEO of Jimmy, Antoine Guyot, said:
"Securing the services of a company recognized worldwide for its expertise and the quality of its services, like Urenco, is an important step for Jimmy, and a major signal of the interest in our design.
“Urenco's experience and mastery are assets that reinforce our determination to provide manufacturers with a safe, reliable and competitive carbon-free solution.”
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